Stranerd App is now on Play Store and we are giddy!

3 min readFeb 12, 2022

You can hit the download button right now.

It’s been months of pouring our all into a dream just to make it concrete and now, we have something really tangible.

Without further ado, let me introduce to you the latest (and smartest) member of your Play Store, Stranerd!

Stranerd App: Home.

If you have used the web version, then you already have an experience of how Stranerd works. With this mobile version, you get one-time sign in so you do not have to constantly enter your credentials. This was a major issue we faced with our users which made us speed up the process of the app development and deployment for Play Store instead of relying solely on our web version.

Here is some more shots of the mobile app:

Stranerd App: In-app screenshots.

Stranerd App was built with our 3 Cs of collaboration, competition and creativity in mind, as always. The feedback has been great and notable among them is the simplicity of the UI design and how everything is spelt out to the letter. Also, our Flashcard feature is currently taking the MVP award out of all the other features. I remember a user’s comment that went like, ‘Even if I am not particularly studying, I just like to tap back and forth on the Flashcards… it’s quite soothing to use to be honest 😊.’ And let’s not forget it’s a scientifically proven method for memorizing effectively. Bye bye cramming! *slams door. hard.*

A new feature we added shortly before deployment on Play Store is the Videos feature which lets you add YouTube links directly to your Stranerd account so that you have all your study links in one place, just like a playlist. Having an organized study space makes studying much easier and way less overwhelming — this should be a priority for every student.

Having all these done, getting incredible feedback and realizing that where we want to get to is still so far is quite humbling for every member of the team. However, we are sure glad for every single support we have gotten so far — and that includes you reading this 😊

If you can, just leave a clap for us, it would mean the world. And oh! Here is the link to download the app on Play Store —

Toodles! ✌




Stranerd is helping Nigerian/African students study smarter from the convenience of their smartphones ✨